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2Account: Donate2 | Stream2 | Flex2

Power the path of cart-free transactions through robust integrations and easy to build forms. We leverage industry leading payment processor Stripe for transactions, and our seamless integration with Tessitura has been described as “what Tessitura experts dream of.”

Donate2 Forms can be used for quick donations, recurring giving, and team fundraising.

Stream2 Forms can be used for streaming subscriptions, season passes and on-demand rentals using Brightcove, Vimeo OTT, YouTube, and other streaming services.

Flex2 Forms can be used for standard and auto-renew memberships, education, events, free registrations, and anything else you can dream up!

Additional integrations include Prospect2 for Marketing Automations, Twilio for Text2Donate and Text2Stream, a QRCode generator, Google with GA and GTM.

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